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Whoever does not warn against Bidah is not a Da’ee! | Shaykh Fawzān
Whoever does not warn against Bida is not a Da'ee / Shaykh Saalih al - Fawzaan
Is Bidʿah (that does not lead to Kufr) greater than the Major sins? Shaykh Sāliḥ Al-Fawzān
Are We Or Are We Not Obliged To Provide Evidence When Warning Against And Making Tabdee Of Salafis?
Is Warning Against Innovators Considered Backbiting? | Shaykh Ṣāliḥ al-Fawzān
Don't Praise the Innovator - Shaykh Sālih bin Fawzān Al-Fawzān
To warn against the scholars of Ahl-ul-Bid'ah belongs to the doctrine of the Salaf | al-Luhaydân
The Salaf Fully Understood The Danger of Innovation [Bid’ah]!
Don’t Establish Lessons in the Mosques of the Innovators – Shaykh Salih al-Fawzan
What Is The Ruling On Using Dhikr Beads? | Shaykh Al Fawzan
jamaat al tabligh are they doing bidah or they are right to join them #DrMuhammadSalah #hudatv
It's Not Permissible to Praise the Innovator, or Promote him or Listen to Him.